Sunday, May 12, 2019

Chat log

Michael: How you holding up?

Gabriella: I'm not. You better be working on getting me out.

M: I am. Just got back from the tunnels.

G: Got the Oathbreakers?

M: Most of them. Including Dr. Slager.

G: How many are left?

M: Three of them they think.

G: Think?

M: That's what Dr. Slager said during his interrogation.

G: What's the real number?

M: More.

G: Encage know that?

M: They suspect. Aren't sure though.

G: Are you?

M: Had a chat with the doctor before we arrested him. So yes.

G: You trust him?

M: Hah, no. We can use him though.

G: Just be careful. Letting that virus get out would be bad.

M: I'm usually the one telling you to be careful.

G: Fuck you.

M: Wish you would.

G: Get me out of here first. Then we'll see about that.

M: Yes, Ma'am.

G: You have a plan right?

M: Obviously. Would be easier if they just let you out though. I could use you by my side. You seen that doctor yet?

G: Hazmat enby keeps telling me the doctor is busy. She has received my request though.

M: She'll probably be more busy now that they've got Dr. Slager. They're already dismantling his lab. Not ideal.

G: No shit.

M: Any word on the Sneak?

G: Still being sneaky. Hasn't popped yet.

M: Hopefully she stays quiet until we get out of here.

G: Unlikely.

M: Yeah, she has a tendency to show up at the worst times.

G: We should still have time. Outbursts tend to happen at least 6 months apart. Hasn't been that long yet.

M: Last one was three months ago, right?

G: Yup. We almost got her. Being stuck here would set us back by a lot.

M: I know, working on it.

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